김용순 (Yongsoon Kim)
- Position Coordinator
- Degree M.A. & Ph.D. in Political Science, Yonsei University
- Origin South Korea
Yongsoon Kim worked long time as a managing editor of Journal of Unification Studies and East and West Studies, which are published by the Institute for Korean Unification Studies and the Institute of East and West Studies at Yonsei University, respectively, devoting himself mainly to college lectures and research. During that period, he published a number of academic papers, including U.S. and China in the 21st Century, Middle Powers in Great Powers’ Grand Strategy, China’s Status-Quo-Plus Policy toward the Korean Peninsula and Its Implications, A Survey of North Korean Studies in South Korea, Candidate Images and Voters’ Choice. He also translated Victor Cha's The Impossible State into 불가사의한 국가 (2016).